Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Semi - Wordless Wednesday

Katherine had her first t-ball game,  Matt is helping coach, here he is giving the team a pep talk before hand
On the bench waiting to hit
Matt helping Katherine getting the right stance.
Getting ready to bat. They get 3 tries of coach pitch, then hit off the tee. Katherine's 1st bat, she hit off the coach.
Giving the thumbs up after getting on base
Saturday night, I took Katherine to see her friend's dance studio preform Peter Pan. Keira did an excellent job!
Where else do you go when it's going to be 100 degrees? Of course we got there at 8:30am to avoid the heat and left the beach right before noon. 
Colin playing in the water. We have had an unusual high amount of seaweed this year, look at the wall behind Colin. That's all fresh seaweed, you can see a pile in the back where they have been pull dosing it. But it's good protection for the beach, as they are using the seaweed to make more sand dunes. 
Here comes a BIG one!
Katherine and Matt playing in the waves. They had so much fun out there.
After the beach we grabbed lunch and of course some adult drinks that are served in coconuts! What's a trip to the beach without Pina Coladas!

1 comment:

Life in the land of pears said...

Can you send me a copy of that picture of Keira? She was so excited to have her friends in the audience. :)